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Headache: What It Is, Types, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

A Headache is one of the most common health complaints people experience. Headaches tend to be quite misunderstood. Many people just accept them as an inevitable part of life, not realizing that there are often identifiable causes and effective treatments. As the Best Multispeciality Hospital in Boisar, Palghar we are here to provide compassionate, factual information that may help you better understand and manage your own headache problems.

What is a Headache?

A Headache is a pain anywhere in the region of the head or neck. The pain can range from subtle and intermittent to severe and constant. Typically, a headache will develop gradually and produce a throbbing or pressing pain. While some headaches are minor and temporary, others can be debilitating and interfere with daily life. If you’re someone who suffers from frequent or severe headache pain, you’re not alone. A consultation with the Best Neurologists In Boisar can help you understand and manage your headache in a better way.

Types of Headaches

There are different types of primary headaches recognized by specialists. The most common types are:  

  • Tension headache: This is the most common type of headache caused by strained facial and neck muscles. It usually feels like a dull squeezing or pressing sensation affecting both sides of the head.
  • Migraine: A severe pulsating or throbbing pain typically on one side of the head. Migraines often come with other symptoms like nausea, light sensitivity and smell sensitivity.  
  • Cluster Headache: A rare but extremely painful form of headache that tends to cluster in periods. It is characterized by excruciating unilateral pain around the eye orbits.   
  • Sinus Headache: Results from inflammation or congestion in the sinuses and typically causes pain around the forehead, cheeks and eyes.  
  • Medication Overuse Headache: This occurs when painkillers are overused to treat recurring headaches, leading to rebound headaches.  

Causes of Headaches

There are various triggers and underlying causes of headaches:

  • Tension: The muscles in your scalp, neck and shoulders hold a lot of tension which can trigger headaches when they tighten up.   
  • Dehydration: Not drinking enough water is a common cause of tension headaches and migraines, especially in hot weather.  
  • Hormonal Changes: Fluctuations in hormones like estrogen can increase susceptibility to migraine attacks, especially around menstruation.
  • Food Triggers: Certain foods like aged cheese, chocolate, wine and MSG can trigger headaches in sensitive individuals.  
  • Lack of Sleep: Not getting enough quality sleep is linked to the worsening of existing headaches and a higher frequency of new attacks.
  • Sinus Pressure: Sinus inflammation from allergies, colds and flu often leads to sinus headaches.  
  • Head or Neck Injury: Recent injuries particularly whiplash injuries from road accidents can cause recurrent headaches. It is highly recommended to consult the Best Neurologist in Boisar if the headache persists even after healing from injury.

Symptoms of Headaches

In addition to pain, other common symptoms of headaches include:

  • Nausea    
  • Vomiting
  • Sensitivity to light and sound  
  • Blurred vision
  • Dizziness or balance issues
  • Fatigue or exhaustion 
  • Neck stiffness

Treatment for Headaches

The treatment approach depends on the type and severity of headaches. At a minimum, lifestyle changes to reduce triggers are recommended:

  • Stress management techniques
  • Adequate sleep     
  • Regular exercise  
  • Healthy diet
  • Avoiding headache triggers     

Medications are often prescribed depending on the headache type. These include:

  • Over-the-counter painkillers for tension headaches
  • Triptans for migraines  
  • Preventive medications for chronic daily headaches
  • Antidepressants and anti-seizure drugs in some cases  

The Bottom Line

For severe and intractable headaches, procedures like nerve blocks, nerve stimulation devices and Botox injections may be tried under the supervision of an expert Neurologist in Boisar

In summary, headaches are one of the most common health complaints. Understanding the type, cause and triggers can help tailor the treatment. Lifestyle changes along with medications prescribed by neurologists go a long way in managing even severe headaches and improving quality of life. Do not suffer; seek help. Choose Adhikari Lifeline Hospital, the best Multispeciality Hospital in Boisar, Palghar for comprehensive treatment – from headaches to underlying causes. Book your appointment today!

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