Adhikari Lifeline Multispeciality Hospital in Betegaon, Boisar
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Pregnancy is an incredible journey that brings about various physical and emotional changes in a woman’s body. As the best multispecialty hospital in Boisar, Palghar, we understand that one of the most common concerns for expecting mothers is identifying early signs of pregnancy. In this blog, we will explore two symptoms that often occur in the early stages of pregnancy: constipation and heartburn. We will delve into what causes these symptoms and how they can be managed. Let’s get started!

Understanding Constipation in Early Pregnancy

Constipation is a condition characterized by difficulty in passing stools, infrequent bowel movements, and a feeling of incomplete evacuation. While constipation is a common gastrointestinal issue, it can also be an early sign of pregnancy. During pregnancy, hormonal changes can slow down the digestive system, leading to constipation. The increased production of progesterone relaxes the muscles in the intestines, causing a decrease in bowel movements.

To alleviate constipation during pregnancy, it is advisable to increase fibre intake through fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Staying hydrated, engaging in regular exercise, and avoiding foods that can exacerbate constipation, such as processed foods and dairy products, can also help. If constipation persists or becomes severe, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional, such as those at Adhikari Lifeline, a maternity hospital in Boisar for expert advice and appropriate treatment.

Heartburn as an Early Pregnancy Symptom

Heartburn, characterized by a burning sensation in the chest, is another symptom that some women experience during early pregnancy. The hormonal changes and the pressure exerted by the growing uterus on the stomach can cause stomach acid to flow back into the esophagus, leading to heartburn.

To manage heartburn during pregnancy, it is advisable to eat smaller, more frequent meals and avoid lying down immediately after eating. Avoiding spicy, greasy, and acidic foods, as well as beverages like coffee and carbonated drinks, can help reduce the occurrence of heartburn. Elevating the head while sleeping and wearing loose-fitting clothing can also provide relief. However, if heartburn persists or becomes severe, consulting a Gynecologist in Boisar at Adhikari Lifeline Multispeciality Hospital is crucial to ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy.

Adhikari Lifeline Multispeciality Hospital in Boisar

Adhikari Lifeline Hospital is the best hospital in Boisar that provides compassionate care for pregnant women. With a team of experienced obstetricians, gynaecologists, and other healthcare professionals, the hospital offers a wide range of services to ensure the well-being of expectant mothers.

The hospital boasts state-of-the-art infrastructure, maternity OT and advanced medical equipment to provide accurate diagnoses and effective treatments. Adhikari Lifeline Multispeciality Hospital offers prenatal care, ultrasound imaging, and other necessary tests to monitor the health of both the mother and the baby throughout the pregnancy journey. The hospital also provides expert guidance on nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle changes to promote a healthy pregnancy.

In cases where complications arise during pregnancy, Adhikari Lifeline Multispeciality Hospital is well-equipped to handle high-risk pregnancies and provide the necessary medical interventions. The hospital’s team of experienced doctors and support staff ensures a safe and comfortable environment for both the mother and the baby.


Constipation and heartburn are common symptoms that some women experience in the early stages of pregnancy. While these symptoms can be uncomfortable, they are generally manageable with appropriate lifestyle changes and, if necessary, medical interventions. Adhikari Lifeline Multispeciality Hospital in Boisar offers comprehensive care for pregnant women, ensuring their well-being throughout their pregnancy journey. If you are experiencing constipation or heartburn during pregnancy, it is important to seek guidance from obstetrician & gynaecologist in Boisar to ensure a healthy and smooth pregnancy.

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