Adhikari Lifeline Multispeciality Hospital in Betegaon, Boisar
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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that affects communication and behaviour. It is a spectrum condition which means symptoms and severity can vary widely from person to person. In this blog, we will discuss the key symptoms, signs, causes and various treatment options for autism. While there is no cure for autism, early diagnosis and intervention can help improve outcomes. At Adhikari Lifeline Hospital, the Best Multispeciality Hospital in Boisar, we are here to provide immediate care and support for autism.

What is Autism? 

Autism, also known as an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviours, speech and nonverbal communication. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), ASD now affects about 18 million people in India. Autism is considered a spectrum disorder because there is wide variation in the type and severity of symptoms people experience. Some individuals may need a level of support, while others may require extensive lifelong support. Consulting a Neurologist in Boisar is an ideal option. 

Symptoms of Autism

Some common signs and symptoms associated with ASD include:

– Difficulty communicating and interacting with others 

– Challenges with social and emotional skills 

– Stereotypic or repetitive motor movements like hand flapping

– Extreme sensitivity to smells, touch, sounds, tastes, and other sensations

– Difficulty adapting to changes in routines or environments

– Restricted interests that may include numbers, dates or facts 

Causes of Autism

While the exact causes of autism are still unknown, research suggests both genetics and environmental factors may contribute to autism. Some studies have found risk factors like:

– Genetic mutations and polymorphisms 

– Prematurity and low birth weight

– Advanced parental age  

– Certain infections during pregnancy like rubella

– Environmental toxins exposure during pregnancy

Diagnosis and Treatment 

There is no medical test to diagnose autism conclusively. Paediatricians in Boisar utilize criteria from guidelines established by the American Psychiatric Association and base the diagnosis on a comprehensive evaluation of behaviour and development. 

The primary treatment for autism involves educational and behavioural therapies like:

Here are more details on the primary treatments for autism:

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Therapy:

– ABA therapy focuses on improving communication, learning, attention, and social skills. 

– Therapists use behavioural techniques and positive reinforcement to teach new skills.

– Early intensive ABA therapy has shown good outcomes in reducing autism symptoms.

Speech Therapy:  

– Speech therapists help improve communication and language skills. 

– They teach ways to facilitate understanding and expression through words, signs, and pictures.

– Therapy focuses on both receptive language (understanding) and expressive language.

Occupational Therapy:

– Occupational therapists help with motor coordination and day-to-day life skills.

– They address challenges with pretend play, and self-care tasks like brushing their teeth, etc. 

– Sensory integration techniques are used to improve tolerance for sights, sounds, and touch.

Social Skills Training:

– Focuses on understanding emotions, taking turns in conversation, and developing friendships.

– Uses modelling, behavioural rehearsal, and role-play to improve social competence.

– Learning to understand others’ perspectives and socially appropriate behaviour.

Diet and Medicines To Treat Specific Symptoms: 

– Medications may help reduce symptoms like irritability, inattention, and seizures if present.

– Diet changes involving gluten/casein-free or ketogenic may alleviate gastrointestinal issues.

– Supplements of probiotics, melatonin, omega-3 etc. are also sometimes recommended.

Early diagnosis and intervention by Child Specialist Doctor in Boisar are extremely important, as early therapies can help improve long-term outcomes by significantly enhancing the quality of life and skills. Managing the symptoms, safety, independence and overall well-being requires a coordinated effort involving doctors, therapists, teachers and support staff.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder with a complex of symptoms. While challenging, early identification and access to appropriate intervention and support services can help people with autism to reach their full potential. For immediate autism care and support, one can contact Adhikari Lifeline Hospital, the best hospital in Boisar, Palghar, with expertise in neurodevelopmental disorders like autism. Our expert team provides quality diagnoses and prompt treatment plans tailored to individual needs. Connect with us to seek immediate help for cases related to ASD. We are here for you!

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